Does your architecture firm’s blog suffer from blog lag? Weeks and months go by between posts? There are usually two reasons for this. First, we often forget just how important blogging is to architecture firm marketing, particularly lead generation. But this kind of content is at the top of the sales funnel, engaging your audience, drawing potential customers to your website, and helping you show up in searches.
Research supports this. A study of over 500 professional services firms reveals blogging as the second most effective online marketing technique:
Notice that high growth firms report even better results from blogging than firms with average growth. The takeaway here—better blogging makes for more growth.
So, it works. Keep this in mind to help keep you on track.
But the second reason for blog lag is a little tougher to address: coming up with fresh content on a regular basis is not always easy. You can always repurpose or repackage existing content, but eventually your audience will need new insights.
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If blogger’s block is taking its toll on your architecture firm’s marketing efforts, take a look at the following 7 tips for writing more and better blog posts:
- Get Linked! Join LinkedIn Groups where your target audience gathers and read up on their issues, questions, and concerns. Write posts that address their problems or further their online conversations.
- Report on Industry Events. You can focus on your local building industry or a wider niche in your local area. Been to a seminar, networking event, or trade show recently? Embrace your inner journalist and provide news of the event. Share your observations and insights.
- Research. Most industries are the subject of near constant research. Providing an overview of current research relevant to architecture can position you as an industry expert. When your potential clients have questions that are up your alley, they’ll be more likely to seek you out.
- Case Studies. Let your work speak for you. Describe how you’ve solved problems for past or current clients. Don’t give away all your secrets, but share enough to show that you’ve got what it takes to address complex issues. A satisfied client’s story can go a long way to bringing you new clients.
- Competitors. What’s your competition blogging about? If you’ve got an alternate take on an issue or can offer a solution to a problem they raise, you can differentiate yourself from others in your industry and grow your reputation too.
- Mythbust! Are your clients operating under a misconception about architecture or your capabilities? No matter how small the issue at hand, it never hurts to educate your audience. A well-educated client base will make better decisions, and your firm—as the established experts—will be their go-to business for finding solutions.
- Follow up. Expand on a previous post. You’ve likely got a few blog posts that generated more traffic or were shared more than your other content. If you have anything else to say on the topic, follow up with a part two (or three, or four…). Your audience was obviously interested; it’s likely that they still are. Follow-ups remind your prospects of the content they previously found engaging and keep you on their radar.
Content creation isn’t easy for architecture firm marketing — particularly if you’re shooting for original, high quality, engaging posts. Blog lag is understandable—but, if you’re looking for results, it’s also highly undesirable.
Download The Content Marketing Guide for Professional Services Firms
Consistency is key. You don’t have to post daily, but you do have to post reliably. If you continually fall behind, try creating a content calendar to organize your architecture firm’s blogging efforts.
With a little organization and a healthy dose of inspiration, your architecture firm’s blog can maintain momentum and keep your content creation efforts—and your lead generation—consistent.
Additional Resources:
- Download Hinge’s Content Marketing Guide for Professional Services Firms for more tips on creating content that builds credibility and demonstrates expertise.
- Better understand today’s buyers with our How Buyers Buy Professional Services research report.
- Get a copy of our Online Marketing for Professional Services book to learn techniques that will generate more leads and increase awareness of your firm.
How Hinge Can Help:
Hinge has developed a comprehensive plan, The Visible Firm® to address these issues and more. It is the leading marketing program for delivering greater visibility, growth, and profits. This customized program will identify the most practical offline and online marketing tools your firm will need to gain new clients and reach new heights.