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Where Opportunity Meets Value: Business Model Trends for Accounting Advisory Services
Download the latest report from Bill.com, CPA.com, and The Hinge Research Institute.
As this report shows, value perceptions between firms and buyers differ. Bill.com, CPA.com, and The Hinge Research Institute collected and documented these perceptions to help accounting firms identify areas of opportunity to leap ahead of the competition.
Surveying over 650 firm employees and clients, the report results suggest that buyers have shifting expectations for their accounting firms. Firms that are able to meet these expectations have an advantage in strengthening their position in the marketplace. Doing so will require embracing the benefits of emerging strategies around pricing, technology, services, and more to create lasting, mutually beneficial client relationships.
Download the full report to access the latest industry insights from accounting firms—and service buyers—around accounting business models including:
- Business model evolution
- Aligning value and pricing
- Pricing and packaging benchmarks
- Opportunities for accounting firm growth